05 Oct Connect For Life
On a sunny October afternoon Luke Feehan, Trustee from the Wynn Foundation, met up with some of the team from Connect For Life
Luke presented them with a cheque for £2830 following their successful grant application.
The funds will help with specialist activity sessions, special entertainment session by magician/entertainer and a shed or unit to store their equipment.
Connect For Life is a volunteer governed, led, managed and run organisation, supporting older people living with dementia, those who have undiagnosed memory difficulties and those who are socially isolated in Oswestry and surrounding area.
We look forward to hearing how the funds have helped.
1/11/22 – UPDATE: Message received from Connect For Life
“To The Wynn Foundation
Thank you so much for your incredible donation of £2,830 in support of Connect For Life. This amazing donation and your support allow us to continue to provide the best service possible to those who really need it.”