26 May Dog Assistance in Disability (Dog A.I.D.)
We have received this lovely update from Dog A.I.D:
I hope you and your fellow trustees are all well. I’m delighted to be sending you an update on how
the training is going for the partnership you are helping us to support in Shropshire. We are also
delighted to confirm that the current trainer we have in Shropshire is happy to take on another
client early 2023, so we will have two partnerships in training, thanks to your generous funding.
As I explained when you came to our offices, trainer recruitment is a real challenge and that
continues to be a huge focus for us. We have over 550 people that have registered an interest in
our services so therefore we need to recruit more wonderful volunteer trainers.
Please find below our summary of how the partnership supported by the Wynn Foundation Limited
is progressing.
Hazel and Teddy – working towards level 2.
Hazel and Teddy came on board with Dog A.I.D. in June 2021, they sailed through their level 1
assessment within three months.
Hazel continued to work hard with Teddy, working towards level 2 and we were so pleased they
joined us for our first in-person workshop since Covid in Telford earlier this year.
Teddy is loving learning and is now ready to take his level 2 assessment, hopefully in December.
It is a huge jump from level 1 to level 2, this is the stage that takes the longest to achieve. The
good news is level 3 is very similar to level 2, it is just in an unfamiliar area so it’s always very
exciting when a client is ready for level 2, it means they are so close to becoming a qualified team.
Teaching an Assistance Dog to settle is key, they must be able to do this anywhere, as you can
see from the picture below, Teddy is doing really well.
Hazel and Teddy have also been amazing in helping us fundraise and have attended various
events for us to spread the word, joined by their wonderful volunteer trainer Melissa.
The pictures below show Hazel and Teddy at an event with their trainer, Teddy doing his ‘settle’
and Teddy at our in-person workshop, earlier this year.
I hope you have enjoyed reading about Hazel and Teddy and hope you are pleased with the work
we have done with them.
Please let me know if you would like any further information. The support from Wynn Foundation
Limited has made such a difference to individual lives through this partnership and to the
organisation and I know I speak on behalf of Hazel and Teddy in sincerely thanking you.
I look forward to updating you in Spring next year when all being well, Teddy will nearly be qualified
and a new partnership will be in training.
Many thanks to you all for your kind support.
Josh and Luke, Trustees from the Wynn Foundation, were thrilled to be able to present a cheque to Dog Assistance in Disability (Dog A.I.D.) recently.
The grant will help support Dog A.I.D.’s training and partnerships to empower adults with physical disabilities to train their own Assistance Dog.